We’re Here For You

The Luger Foundation provides financial support and resources to the families that have incurred substantial medical debt due to premature birth, extended stays within the neonatal intensive care unit, or complications during pregnancy

Do you, or know of an individual, or family that has endured a financial hardship due to medical debt? If you or another would like to apply to receive help, please fill in the information below. Our team will review the needs of applicants, and do our best to provide assistance.

Ask For Help

It all begins with having the strength and courage to ask for help. Please share your story, and why you, or the person you know, need help. Maybe they have had complications during pregnacy? Maybe, the birth of the a newborn was premature? Did health insurnace not cover additional expenses, or perhaps didn’t have health insurance at the time? Simply, fill out the form, to start your journey.